Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Do not play when you are in bad mood

I have played several hours today maybe around 8 hours.
I lost a lot of chips in three tables.($0.02-$0.04 Limit - $0.01-$0.02 No limit - $0.10-$.20 Limit)
Then I played in $0.10-$0.20 No Limit and won my chips back plus a little profit.
Honestly I played badly today.Very bad indeed.
Do not play when you are in bad mood or you are sick or heart broken!!!
Anyway my account balance is $8.98.
Full house saved me ( I had 77 gone all-in and flop gave full house. My opponent had AA but he won more than me because I had little money.)

I had to mention that playing in 2 or 3 table in same time is worst idea.
I know I am better player in No Limit Hold 'em but I had to learn how to play Limit Hold 'em too because I can not play High-Stakes in No- Limit. I can play but I do not want to risk all my chips.
Limit Hold 'em has some advantages but a lot of bad beats involved.
Maybe I should play low stakes No Limit ? Who knows ?
But It's second times that No Limit saved me when I lost my money in Limit Hold 'em.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Though session: $0.01 UP !!!!!!!!!!

well,I played two and half hours this evening(13:00-15:30 CET )
and won $0.01 ( lol ).
This session was really tough. I was down to $0.50 ( from $1.35 ).
And I played so hard to back to break even and then I was up to $1.50 but ended up at $1.36.
So my balance is $8.36.
Well at least it was fun.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

15*BB target formula

I played Limit Hold 'em ($0.02,$0.04 stakes ) about one hour this evening ( 20:00-21:00 CET )
and won $0.30.
So account balance is $8.35. Not bad indeed.
I leave table when I won 15 times BB and in this stage BB is $0.02 so my target is $0.30(This avoid overplaying).

full house again

I played less than half hour this morning and won $0.38.
My account balance is $8.05.( around 5% grow from last session).
I have just seen a few flop in this session and two wining hand.
KK and AQ(flop gave me full house).